Where are students getting their relationship education? Their smartphones? In this digital age, it’s critical for students to have trusted adults to help them through this confusing time.
The EDGE helps
Empower your students to build positive relationships.
We partner with schools in Rhea county and surrounding counties. Our program goal is to offer sexual health education to youth. We equip students with the knowledge and support to abstain from risky behaviors including sexual activity.
What does the EDGE programs do?
Engage youth through dynamic, appealing presentations that are informative, relevant, and medically accurate.
Direct youth towards healthy goal setting and a vision for a successful future.
Grow youth as they develop critical thinking skills and learn to analyze and make choices consistent with good health and productive lives.
The ultimate outcome - that youth learn resiliency to overcome past failures, develop healthy self-worth and achieve Excellence in life!
Here for you.
We believe the best way to do this is to teach the social, psychological and health benefits of sexual abstinence-until-marriage to youth.
Our program is designed to help youth understand the dangers involved in premarital sexual activity, equip teens with accurate information and skills that empower them to make choices consistent with good health and productive lives.
We teach young people to take a productive approach to solving current problems and choose behaviors that enhance, rather than destroy self-esteem.
We currently offer programs in 6-12th grades through the health/wellness JROTC or science classes that are age-appropriate.

Get the EDGE
Book the EDGE to present our program to students and parents.